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Effortlessly Sync and Print Your Google Calendar Today

Discover the ease of syncing and printing your Google Calendar with

Sync and Print Google Calendar with

Sync and Print Your Google Calendar

Printing your Google Calendar is now simpler than ever with
Here's how you can easily sync your calendar and get a physical copy of your schedule, ensuring you're always on top of your appointments and tasks.

Step 1: Connect Your Google Account

Connecting Google Account

Start by signing in to You will be redirected to the Google consent screen to authorize print-cal.
During this process, print-cal will request permission to access your calendar details.
We only require two readonly permissions.
These permissions allow print-cal to view your calendar list and events without the ability to modify them, ensuring the security of your data.

Step 2: Select Calendars to Print

Selecting Calendars

Once connected, you can choose which calendars you want to print. gives you the flexibility to select specific calendars or all of them, depending on your needs.

Step 3: Customize Your Printout

Customizing the Printout

Customize the appearance of your calendar printout.
Choose from various templates, adjust color schemes, and add stickers or notes to make your printed calendar uniquely yours.

Step 4: Print Your Calendar

Printing the Calendar

Finally, print your customized calendar directly from
Enjoy the convenience of having a tangible copy of your schedule that you can refer to anytime.

Get Started Today

Ready to bring efficiency to your scheduling?
Head over to and start syncing your Google Calendar for a streamlined, organized approach to time management.

Start now and make your efficiency leap off the page
Boost Your Productivity Today